Zeichnung von Ursula Okle.

Mitteilung von Münchener Zendo:

             Das Münchener Zendo übt unter der Anleitung von Sister Kathleen Seiun-An Roshi. Sesshin und Zazen in den Bergen mit Seiun-An Roshi ist zweimal im Jahr (Februar und August/September). Monatlich ist einmal Zazenkai in München Pasing von Samstag 14 Uhr bis Sonntag 13 Uhr. Wöchentlich gibt es die Möglichkeit, Montag, Dienstag und Freitag in München Zazen zu üben. Gäste sind herzlich willkommen. Interessenten können sich an die beiden Lehrer wenden, die sich um die Gruppe kümmern, wenn Seiun-An Roshi nicht in München ist: Eva Sperner, Enkô-An, München Tel. (+49) 089-4482774, i n f o @ z e n d o - m u e n c h e n - ha i d h a u s e n . d e ; Stefan Sachs, Koun-Ken, Schleching Tel. (+49) 08649-985082, z e n @ l i c h t h u e t t e . d e .Weitere Informationen zu Sesshin und Zazenkai von Eva und Stefan auf Anfrage.
Mitteilung aus Singapur:
Wenn Sie in Singapur Zazen üben wollen,
bitte schreiben Sie an:
                 m c l o o n g @ y a h o o . c o m

                    oder rufen Sie Frau Vivien Boey an (Tel:+65-96654556)

racheliwolfson@rogers.com tooval.com mail to: racheliwolfson@rogers.com SANBOZEN.org

 Code of Conduct of SANBÔZEN International   


The following is the gCode of Conducth approved by the SANBÔZEN International Kenshukai in the summer of 2015. It should serve as the guideline for any possible troubles occurring within the sanghas and groups of SANBÔZEN. The manifestation of the transparency in this matter should contribute to increasing the steadfastness of our movement worldwide.

Code of Conduct and Processes for SANBÔZEN International (SZI)

General Statement

SANÔOZEN International is lay group of Zen practitioners founded in Japan in 1954 by Yasutani Hakufun Roshi. It follows in the footsteps of Shakyamuni Buddha in seeking to realize our true nature and is open to all people who wish to practice Zen, regardless of their nationality or faith. The members are bound together by a common commitment to practice zazen with the aim of realizing wisdom and compassion in their own lives and in the world.

Purpose of the Code

The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to:
1) promote a supportive and safe environment for the ethical teaching and practice of Zen; 2) encourage open and respectful discussion, when necessary, regarding questionable behavior on the part of teachers or students; 3) support sangha teachers and students in addressing unethical behavior by setting up clear guidelines for behavior and measures for handling violations.

General Ethical Guidelines

As a lay community of Zen practitioners, we the members and teachers SZI resolve to conduct our lives and our relationships taking the Three Pure Precepts as our guiding principle. These are 1) to avoid all that is harmful, 2) to foster and promote all that is good, and 3) to purify our minds and seek the liberation of all sentient beings in all our thoughts, words, and actions.

We are bound by the Ten Grave Precepts, which are: 1) Honor all life, do not kill, 2) Respect othersf property, do not steal, 3) Speak truthfully, do not lie, 4) Respect your own and others bodies and commitments, do not misuse sex, 5) Keep a clear mind, do not abuse drugs and intoxicants, 6) Uphold the good name of others, do not engage in harmful speech, 7) Live in truthful humility, do not praise self or put down others, 8) Be generous, do not be stingy with material or spiritual goods, 9 Cultivate a peaceful heart, do not indulge in anger, and 10) Uphold the Buddha Dharma, do not defame the Three Treasures (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha)

Sangha Relations

The relationships of those in leadership positions (Teachers, Board Members, paid staff) among themselves and with the other sangha members will receive special attention in upholding ethical guidelines. People in leadership positions must be especially careful not to abuse their power for personal gain or satisfaction.

In teacher-student relationships and in relations among students, we will practice in accord with the Ten Grave Precepts. All relationships will be conducted with mutual honor and esteem, with due acknowledgment and maintenance of boundaries, and with due care to confidentiality in matters of individual practice and personal life. We will hold one another in highest respect, and will strive to maintain right speech at all times.

Processes for Preventing Problems and Addressing Complaints

Individual SANBÔZEN sanghas will adopt this code of conduct or develop their own comparable code. All students should have an introduction to practice of Zen which includes reference to the sanghafs and/or SZIfs written code of conduct for teachers and students. Students and teachers shall enter into the student-teacher relationship on the consent of both parties and are free to withdraw from that relationship on advising the other party. The acceptance by a teacher of the authorization to teach includes acceptance of this code of conduct as well as responsibility for the safety and authenticity of their studentfs practice.

Psychosocial problems involving teachers or students when they affect the ability of the individual to practice or teach need to be addressed through onefs usual ways of coping or through consultation with professionals.

Students should be informed and agree that a teacher may find it helpful to touch a student, to correct posture, or to demonstrate a point but that neither student nor teacher should ever initiate contact of a sexual nature.

If a matter of concern arises, before bringing it to the attention of SZI, individuals are encouraged to resolve it within their own sangha first with the individual in question; and, if the matter is not resolved, with the teacher.

If the matter involves onefs teacher, or the teacherfs response is unsatisfactory, there should first be an effort to resolve the issue within the sangha with the aid of other teachers or senior members. Individual sanghas may choose to develop their own internal processes for addressing such concerns which should be made clear to all.

 The SZI Code of Conduct will be posted on the SZI website along with the e-mail addresses of at least one contact person in each country.

The process for dealing with concerns should ensure that they are dealt with in a timely manner. Only when the matter involves more than one sangha, or when internal processes fail or the sangha considers the matter too serious to resolve internally, should the matter be brought to the attention of the SZI Harmony, Ethics, and Reconciliation Committee.

If anyone has due reason to claim that a serious violation of ethical principles has occurred, especially in matters that include abuse of authority, financial impropriety, sexual misconduct, or a grave criminal offense with legal and public consequences, and has not been resolved within the local sangha, he or she should make a formal complaint to the Harmony, Ethics, and Reconciliation (HEAR) Committee. The committee will clarify whether the complaint is legitimate and determine how to carry out any measures necessary to address the case. A formal complaint will consist of a written description of the violation, with the name of the person or persons accused of committing the violation, along with proper documentation or testimonial to the veracity of such a claim.

The HEAR committee will be appointed by the Board in consultation with the Council of Teachers. If the accusation directly involves a teacher or board member, he or she will be excused from such deliberations. The HEAR committee shall consist in no less than three, and not more than six members, some of whom may include persons from outside of the sangha who may have special competence in dealing with the particular matters involved. The committee is to be given a specific timeframe within which to report to the board. If it determines that the complaint is valid, it shall recommend measures to address the case or cases. Having received such a report, the board shall take measures that may include: a mediated resolution, reparations, expulsion or suspension from a leadership role, expulsion or suspension from sangha membership, or reporting to legal or other enforcement authorities outside of the sangha where such matters may be appropriately dealt with.

(Approved by Coordinating Committee SZI Dec 9 2014)

Regina OBERNDORFER hat ein wöchentliches Zazen in Frankfurt a.M. angefangen: Freitag 19.30 Uhr bis 21.00 Uhr.
Interessierte möchten sich bitte bei ihr melden.
                 Tel: +49-6101-813383
                 Fax: +49-6101-813391
k u r t . o b e r n d o r f e r @ a r c o r . d e

******** Important Announcement ********

In order to facilitate future activities, the SANBÔZEN Society has decided to take the following measures concerning the form of our publication, Kyôshô, and the way in which the yearly membership fees are collected. We sincerely ask you for your understanding and cooperation.
  1. From No. 322 (January/February 2007) the Kyôshô will be put on the "Members' Forum" (German page: "Forum der Mitglieder") of our homepage (https://ssl.sanbo-zen.org), in both the Japanese and the English language sections. Members can enter this Forum using their ID (German page: "Kennziffer") and their password (cf. below). The Forum will be further enlarged through constant addition of translation (English/German) of teishos and other significant matters.
  2. The Japanese part of the Kyôshô will be printed and bound as usual, but, as a general rule, they will be sent only to the members residing in Japan.
  3. Generally, the Kyôshô will not be sent to those members residing outside of Japan. If, however, a member who has no access to the Internet informs the secretariat of this, either the printed version of the English Kyôshô or the booklet of the Japanese Kyôshô will be provided as requested.
  4. To pay the yearly membership fees, use of a credit card will be introduced on our Internet homepage from November 2006 (US $ 50.-; cf. "Membership/Donations Corner" from November 2006). New members who submit the yearly membership fees using a credit card will automatically obtain the ID and the password by which they can enter the "Members' Forum."
  5. Those members who have already paid their membership fees up to 2006 and have their email addresses registered at the secretariat will be informed of their ID and password upon completion of the renewal of the homepage with the above-mentioned payment system. This will enable them to enter the "Members' Forum" mentioned above. Those members who acquire an email address and submit to the secretariat will also be given their ID and password upon request. Furthermore, the donations will also be accepted with this system.
  6. When the fees are paid by the credit card, no formal receipt will be sent to the members, except in the case that such a receipt is requested. The automatic email confirming the payment will take the place of the usual receipt.
  7. Although the above-mentioned credit card system is strongly recommended for the payment of the fees from abroad, it will remain possible to transfer money to the account of German Gemeinschaftsbank (40 Eur from the fiscal year 2007 [April 2007-March 2008], for an indefinite period of time):
           GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
(Postfach      00829,      D-44708      Bochum;
Bank Sorting Code(Bankleitzahl): 43060967
IBAN: DE64 4306 0967 4011 8345 00
Giro account No. (Privatgirokonto Nr.):4011834500
Account holder (Name des Kontoinhabers): Migaku Sato
@@@@In addition, please note that our CitiBank account in Japan was abolished;
        therefore, it is not possible to send money there any more.

We sincerely ask for your cooperation.

Wenn Sie uns fragen wollen ueber Mitgliedschaft, Kennziffer und Passwort, oder Wenn Sie uns die Aenderung Ihrer Adresse mitteilen wollen, bitte die folgende Adresse verwenden:
Bitte die folgende Email-Adresse verwenden!

Um einen Akzess zu den sogenannten
"junk mails" zu blockieren,
hat die Email-Adresse keine "link"-Funktion.
Bitte die Adresse eintippen, wenn Sie sie wirklich verwenden wollen!

 Wenn Sie Interesse haben, Mitglied der SANBÔZEN zu werden:
        Bitte "Kurze Beschreibung der SANBÔZEN Society" klicken!

Um sonst mit dem Sekretariat der SANBÔZEN Society zu kommunizieren:
Bitte die folgende Email-Adresse verwenden!

Startseite Inhaltsverzeichnis Geschichtliche Entwicklung des SANBÔZEN Die grundlegende Position des SANBÔZEN

Worte der Äbte
    * Zen ist keine Religion.
    * Der Mensch stirbt nicht.
    * Hatte Descartes recht?

Zen-Lehrende des SANBÔZEN mit ihren Zen-Zentren Kurze Beschreibung der SANBÔZEN Society Mitgliedschaft / Spenden

*Zugang mit Kennziffer (ID) und Passwort
Forum der Mitglieder

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